Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Changing of the Knitting Guard

Last year, the knitting group, subset of the Troy Women's Association, checked off items on their ToDo list, like Santa does on Christmas morning.

Washcloths for soldiers. Check.
Hats and Mittens for those in need of them. Check.
Chemo Caps. Check.
An afghan for a raffle at our craft show. Check. (raffle brought in several hundred dollars.)
Women's hats for charities that support women. (See picture of our new leader with a hat)

This year, the woman at the helm, Kathy F. She brings in lots of ideas and energy.

This year, we will be reaching out to On My Own, a group of developmentally impaired adults, to teach them to knit. Troy Public Library has opened a room for this purpose on Saturday from two to five. And if all goes well, this offer, to teach knitting, will be shared with Troy High students wanting to find something to do with their hands and fingers beside texting. :)  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On My Own (and not alone)

Two Special Needs Committee members visited the office of On My Own of Michigan on December 11, 2012.

In 1997, a group of parents of developmentally impaired children got together and started this non profit organization. The rest is a history of effort, commitment, and success.

After high school, no longer students, developmentally impaired students are not ready to be on their own and need support.  On My Own meets this need. It offers two programs, The Social Program and an Apartment Program.

The Social Program

This program is designed for individuals looking for social interaction. This also gives them a chance to be more independent from their families as they go on trips and outings.

The Apartment Living Program

This program offers what the Social Program offers as well as living on their own with some support.  Members' needs are met on person to person need. This may include assistance in learning life skills, paying bill, budgeting, issues with roommate and more.

The cost of the Apartment Living Program is an initial fee of $450 and $190 a month thereafter.  Members in this program work at nearby businesses and many are able to pay this cost on their own.

On My Own of Michigan office is moving  to Kirts Blvd to a larger place that will include a classroom, a kitchen, and a member lounge. They are  working at raising $25,000 for equipments for this new addition.  The Troy Women's Association was please to donate $1,000 for them to accomplish this goal.

Future fund raising events:

February 12, 2013. Annual Celebration Banquet at Somerset Inn.

March 10, 2013. Family Fun Bowl at Astro Lanes.

June 17, 2013, 16th Annual Charity Golf Outing, Paint Creek Country Club.

Date TBD for the Gala Fundraiser at Erhard BMW in Farmington Hills.

Edith and Karen A.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chicks with Sticks add to TWA Donation Fund.

Always looking for ways to make the world a little kinder, the knitters among us, under the direction of Carole B., came together and knitted a beautiful afghan. Then at our annual craft show, the Elf Shelf, we hung up for display and sold raffle tickets. A total of $342.05 was collected from the sale of our raffle tickets which will go a long way as we continue to make a difference in our community.

The winner of the raffle was the above lovely lady, Hannah. We congratulate her and look forward to working on another one in the year to come.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Congratulations to Camp Casey

The Troy Women's Association congratulates Camp Casey for being one of the 96 non-profits to receive a grant from Chase bank. They worked hard getting the votes from their social media contacts and it paid off.  It means more horsey house calls.  Outstanding effort.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beanie Babies

When Connie, our President, received a call that a woman who collects beanie babies was looking to donate them to an organization that could distribute them, said, "We'd be happy to."  We were. We were also surprised that there were hundreds and hundreds.  So, we got to work.

Fifty to Evergreen Health & Living Center
Twelve to SOS
Twenty-four to Camp Casey
Thirty-six to Baby Basics
Three hundred to Project Linus
Seventy for Winter Warmers
Two hundred to an orphanage in Nashville

We've made a dent. But some of us are beginning to think that they are multiplying in our cars.  Picture shows this writer's trunk and she is convinced that they are coming out of the containers and doing goodness knows what.

Even so, we are thankful and know that our beanie babies will provide comfort to hundreds of little ones.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

TWA Back To Work

Another year at hand. Much to do. The Troy Women's Association started a new year with dinner, dessert, and celebrating our President's birthday.  Connie informed us that this would be the last birthday she'd celebrate publicly. It's doubtful that we will let her get away with that.

On the giving front, we spent time dividing the work among us for the various committees.  Jo is putting together a table of eight for Haven's yearly breakfast.  Vickie filled us in on Elf Shelf happenings.  This is our largest fund raiser of the year. This year, 2012, we are celebrating our forty-second year for this event that now brings in more than two thousand people.

With our thirty or so projects, it's hard to calculate the woman hours but what matters is that each year, people and groups enjoy the fruits of our labor. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TWA - Senior Citizen Project - May 2012

          This year the Troy Women's Association hosted a "Dessert Party" for the residents of a local senior housing complex.

     Members of TWA baked, prepared or purchased a wide variety of desserts for the event.  The seniors had their pick from ice cream sundaes, lemon bars, banana/pineapple pudding dessert, assorted cookies, cupcakes, fresh fruit skewers with dip, brownies, cherry cheesecake bars, cinnamon chocolate pretzels, pineapple upside down cake, cream horns, lemon pound cake, cinnamon bundt cake, brown sugar chewies, apple pie, sugar free butterscotch pudding dessert and a chocolate/peanut butter bar dessert.  They also enjoyed cold drinks, hot coffee and great company. 
The room was decorated with bright paper pinwheels and 
 fresh hosta leaves.
                We also made sure that all the extra
"goodies"  went home with the residents
in carryout containers.
Several of our members were in attendance to set up, serve and clean up.  A wonderful time was had by all, seniors and members alike.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TWA partners with Common Ground - Next Steps

The Troy Women's Association supported Common Ground's Recovery Conference held in April by collecting gently worn shoes at our general meeting.  These shoes were used by Common Ground clients to create artistic expressions of their journey and 'next steps' in living with mental health disorders.   
Some of the people who designed shoes choose not to take them when they left and we took those shoes to Lansing and displayed them in a day at the state capitol to help eliminate stigma among mental health clients. It has been a powerful experience.
Common Ground will be using a similar therapy at their November 17, 2012 conference and TWA will be collecting more shoes ~ if you have some you'd like to donate as well, let us know.


Monday, May 7, 2012

MOMMS update

On Sunday May 6, members Kathi F and Carole P attended the Care Packaging Party sponsored by the Moms of Michigan Military and Supporters (MOMMS) at the Lenox Fire Department in New Haven.

They delivered wish list items generously donated by TWA Members, joined other volunteers to unpack and sort items to be packaged and then helped fill 200 flat-rate boxes which will be mailed out this week.

MOMMS is a support group which sends care packages to deployed members of all branches of the service. These are not just their family members but also names that been entrusted to their care, to send a package “like their own mom would send”. They provide a much needed lift in the Troops morale by sending them a box filled with the message that they have not been forgotten by those back at home in the United States of America.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Support the Troops - You can help too!

The Support the Troops committee has decided to give part of their budget to the Moms of Michigan Military and Supporters group for their upcoming Care Packaging event to take place on Sunday, May 6th at 1pm at the Lenox Fire Department in New Haven, all are welcome to attend the “Packing Party”

Our monetary donation will help defray the cost of postage.

Also, if you would like to donate items for overseas troops, their wish list is below. Please bring items to the TWA May 1st meeting or contact a TWA member.

Ready To Eat Tuna, Chicken packets and Salad kits.
Non-Perishable breakfast-type foods and drinks.
Canned ready to open soups, chicken, beef, etc. (NO PORK PRODUCTS!)
Fast Food Hot Sauce Packets
Individual packets of Trail Mix, Beef Jerky, Slim Jims, peanuts, pretzels, cookies, sunflower seeds, canned nuts, canned chips or potato sticks, cereal bars, granola bars, energy bars
Pre-sweetened powdered drinks, Kool-Aid, Gatorade, etc..
Single wrapped snacks, brownies, cakes - no icing.
Packs of candy, gum, etc.. things that do not melt.

(Non-Scented Items are Best!)
Antibacterial wipes
Toothpaste, toothbrushes & dental floss
Soap – bar & liquid
Shampoo & Conditioner
Gold Bond powder
Eye drops (cleaning kind-in plastic bag)
Chapstick / Lip Balm
Nail Clippers
Disposable Shaving Razors, shaving crème (non-aerosol)
Toilet Paper
Flip Flops/Shower Shoes
Athlete’s Foot Crème
Feminine Products (there are women serving)


Handheld electronic games
Puzzle, Word Game & Crossword books
Beanie Babies for the soldiers to give to kids
Magazines, local papers, comics, paperbacks - mystery, action, drama, science fiction
Games: Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, Parcheesi, Yahtzee, Uno, Cribbage, Puzzles, Playing Cards
Baseballs, footballs, Frisbees, Nerf type toys
Disposable Cameras

Holiday decorations
Paper, envelopes, pens, greeting cards.. birthday & holidays for wives, husbands, moms, dads, blank generic cards too!!
Film (35 mm)
Paper Towels, Windex Pre-Moistened Packs, Laundry Detergent (travel size-powder or cubes (no liquid)
Duct tape, Ziploc bags
Clothespins & Clothesline
Battery Operated Fans, Misty Mates
AT&T International Pre-Paid Phone Card

Illegal substances, Alcoholic beverages, Explosives, including fireworks. Offensive or obscene materials, including photos, drawings or any other material which may offend members of the opposite sex, members of another race, background, nationality or ethnicity, religion, or who are conservative or modest. Any food items containing pork.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Appreciation

For years, Steve from the Boys and Girls Club of Troy, has been a big help at our big fund raiser, the Elf Shelf. Every year, Saturday after Thanksgiving, well before sunrise, he was in the parking lot directing traffic. It didn't matter if it was snowing, freezing rain, frustrated crafters, we could count on him to handle it.  So, when the day of his retirement party came, we along with eighty other people, our previous mayor, and John Pappageorge, a few of the TWA ladies attended.  Ann, Marilyn, Nancie, and Edith came to let him know that his efforts over these years was indeed appreciated.  TWA wishes Steve all the best in the next phase of his life.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saturday in March, it must be Project Linus

Project Linus states as their mission "to provide love, a  sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer 'blanketeers.'”

This year, there were plenty of TWA blanketeers.  Carol H., Carol R., Edith, Elizabeth, Hannah, Julie, Kathy M. Kathi, Mary,  Parivash, and Vickie came to help.  Then we had four volunteers in training, granddaughters.

Vickie spearheaded material purchase. Kathy M. found time to work in pattern selection for an afghan project the knitting group is working on. We had helpers at the sewing stations, ironing tables, label, pinning and camera people.  On this day, as committed citizens, we brought comfort to babies and children at shelters, hospitals, and other non profits that are in the business of helping children.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Greatest of nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

This year the TWA animal committee (Arlene, Nancy,Kathi,Parivash, Jan and Karen) is focusing their effort on dog and cat rescue. They selected Michigan Animal Rescue League, a no-kill shelter located in Pontiac and TigerLily Cat Rescue located in Sterling Hts.
The two non-profit organizations have requested the following:
Michigan Animal Rescue League: RED LETTER ITEMS: These are the most immediate needs.
Cat and dog food- wet and dry, Cleaning supplies : bleach, detergent, mops, paper towels, etc.
Also needed—Kitty litter, small beds, choke chains and collars in all sizes, small live traps, dog and cat toys, plastic dog houses, blankets and towels, dog biscuits, Pet Supply Plus, PetSmart and Petco gift cards, Staples gift cards.
Tigerlily Cat Rescue requests cat items above and in addition they request things like carpet squares for cages and office supplies.
They will be collecting items and delivering them in the near future.  Another post will follow. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Knitting Group Continues to Give

The knitting group got together and discussed plans for remainder of this year.

Our Mary is a prolific knitter of wash cloths. Kathi continued to teach and share  ideas and information. She continues to make beautiful chemo caps. Our hostess remembered to get us treats to feast on and next time will remember to get yarn  Arlene  showed us how to make beautiful multi-colored scarves. Carole B. and Kathy M. work at keeping us going, reviewing what we've done and where to go.  Edith throws out new ideas on top of new ideas making all of us want to eat more of the treats offered.

As always, good humor and friendship prevailed. We are continuing with mittens for our 2012 Mitten Tree. We will find out if our service men are still in need of wash clothes, and continue with chemo caps for Beaumont Hospital. Also, we have decided on a secret plan that will benefit many and surprise even more—yes, it involves knitting.  To find out, you will have to join us. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Charity Poker

Diane T. discussing rakes and chips.
Donna and Mary hard at work.

For four days, TWA volunteers worked at a Charity Poker in the basement of Big Beaver Tavern in Troy.  This was our first time at raising money by hosting this event.  After four days, we raised about $1,200 that will now be redirected for causes that improve the lives of people in our community.  An added benefit was being able to spend time with other members, meet new people, and as we often do, have lots of laughs. We look forward to making this a part of our overall effort at raising money in years to come.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Basics

Baby Basics of Troy Ministry provides disposable diapers to children from birth to age three. Families are pre-screened using Federal guidelines. The program is based in Northminster Presbyterian Church, although the church is not affiliated with the program.

The diapers are distributed to the recipients who either live or work in Troy on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Volunteers from Troy Women’s Association assist with the purchasing and distribution along with sharing in the annual Christmas party for the clients in December and a Birthday party in the spring. 

For information on eligibility:

Carole P.