Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Changing of the Knitting Guard

Last year, the knitting group, subset of the Troy Women's Association, checked off items on their ToDo list, like Santa does on Christmas morning.

Washcloths for soldiers. Check.
Hats and Mittens for those in need of them. Check.
Chemo Caps. Check.
An afghan for a raffle at our craft show. Check. (raffle brought in several hundred dollars.)
Women's hats for charities that support women. (See picture of our new leader with a hat)

This year, the woman at the helm, Kathy F. She brings in lots of ideas and energy.

This year, we will be reaching out to On My Own, a group of developmentally impaired adults, to teach them to knit. Troy Public Library has opened a room for this purpose on Saturday from two to five. And if all goes well, this offer, to teach knitting, will be shared with Troy High students wanting to find something to do with their hands and fingers beside texting. :)  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On My Own (and not alone)

Two Special Needs Committee members visited the office of On My Own of Michigan on December 11, 2012.

In 1997, a group of parents of developmentally impaired children got together and started this non profit organization. The rest is a history of effort, commitment, and success.

After high school, no longer students, developmentally impaired students are not ready to be on their own and need support.  On My Own meets this need. It offers two programs, The Social Program and an Apartment Program.

The Social Program

This program is designed for individuals looking for social interaction. This also gives them a chance to be more independent from their families as they go on trips and outings.

The Apartment Living Program

This program offers what the Social Program offers as well as living on their own with some support.  Members' needs are met on person to person need. This may include assistance in learning life skills, paying bill, budgeting, issues with roommate and more.

The cost of the Apartment Living Program is an initial fee of $450 and $190 a month thereafter.  Members in this program work at nearby businesses and many are able to pay this cost on their own.

On My Own of Michigan office is moving  to Kirts Blvd to a larger place that will include a classroom, a kitchen, and a member lounge. They are  working at raising $25,000 for equipments for this new addition.  The Troy Women's Association was please to donate $1,000 for them to accomplish this goal.

Future fund raising events:

February 12, 2013. Annual Celebration Banquet at Somerset Inn.

March 10, 2013. Family Fun Bowl at Astro Lanes.

June 17, 2013, 16th Annual Charity Golf Outing, Paint Creek Country Club.

Date TBD for the Gala Fundraiser at Erhard BMW in Farmington Hills.

Edith and Karen A.