Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Food Banks

Troy Women’s Association selected the food pantry located at St. Anastasia Church in Troy, Michigan, to add food items to their shelves.  Meijer gift cards totaling $500 for fresh meat and chicken was presented to St. Anastasia along with numerous 
non-perishable foods personally donated by the TWA members.

TWA also offered helping hands to sort and stock the pantry shelves.  This food bank provides a wonderful service to local families facing many obstacles.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vets Returning Home Blanket Making Party by Ann C.

Some of our TWA members joined the VRH committee and with the exceptional leadership of Kathi F. made seventeen (17) fleece blankets for the fellows at the VRH facility in Roseville.  These, added to the thirteen (13) Kathi and her sister made means we will be delivering a total of 30 blankets to the VRH home.  I cannot  tell you how much they will appreciate our efforts, particularly given the cold weather we have been experiencing this winter.  
Kathi showed us how to measure and cut the fabric on my dining room table.  The sewers were set up in the kitchen nook and family room.  Kathi, Mary Smith, and Sue Rehse not only brought their own sewing machines but were our expert seamstresses.  Roz, Marlene, Carole P, Ann T, Julie S and I filled in with cutting, pinning, and finishing as needed.  I think everyone had a good time and all were home before 10 am, tired but feeling satisfied I am sure.  
I big thanks to the VRH committee and all of the above TWA members who helped out that night.  I'll set up a Saturday in the next week or so to deliver the blankets - anyone who wants to join me is welcome to do so.

Project Linus by Ann C.

My first experience at Project Linus was very rewarding.  Although not a proficient sewer I was still put to work ironing along with fellow TWA members Carole P, Carol H and Uzma.  Our other TWA members had a variety of other tasks to perform.  I have to say that the presence of TWA members surely helped out since we finished all of the work in record time.  The coordinator from St. Anastasia, Allison, informed us that since it's inception this chapter of Project Linus had made and donated a totatl of twenty thousand blankets.  WOW!!!  I asked about where the blankets went once they were made and was informed that (1) Project Nite Nite gives these blankets along with a book and small stuffed animal (Beanie Baby) to children in homeless shelters.  These children can then take these items with them when they leave the shelter.  Royal Oak Beaumont Pediatrics Unit, St. Josephs Hospital, and Childrens Hospital also receive these beautiful blankets.  One of the members of the group also takes the scrap material and makes dog toys, while another member made some beautiful quilts out of the leftover flannel.  All and all this was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday - with a group of dedicated and welcoming ladies with a very purposeful mission.  I invite anyone who has not participated before to join us at the next Project Linus event.  You will surely see me there again.  Thanks Diane for coordinating it this year, to Vickie who has coordinated in the past, and to Mary Smith who even takes these home to work on.  Your good work has made a positive impact in the life of a child somewhere near by.