Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Food Banks

Troy Women’s Association selected the food pantry located at St. Anastasia Church in Troy, Michigan, to add food items to their shelves.  Meijer gift cards totaling $500 for fresh meat and chicken was presented to St. Anastasia along with numerous 
non-perishable foods personally donated by the TWA members.

TWA also offered helping hands to sort and stock the pantry shelves.  This food bank provides a wonderful service to local families facing many obstacles.