Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

From its beginning the Troy Women's Association has promoted and supported literacy programs.  Through the years we have made donations to our elementary school classrooms, our public library, and the Middle School Troybery Reading Project.  We have collected books for children in shelters, protective care, and remedial programs.  We have provided free tutoring.  Literacy is a cause close to our hearts.
This year we were proud to make a "perpetual gift" to the Troy Public Library Endowment Fund.  By doing so we now have our own "book" on display on the Donor Wall in the Library, and we were recognized by Library Director, Cathy Russ, at the Donor Wall Reveal Ceremony.  It is wonderful to be a part of the businesses, families, community service groups, and individuals coming together in support of our award winning library.
Our Library's endowment fund began in September of 2016 with an idea to raise $20,000.  As of September, 2018, there is over $111,000 in the fund, and it continues to grow.  A small portion of the proceeds each year is used to provide programming and to implement facility enhancements.  Our contribution was not only for our Library's present but also for its future. 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Women's Scholarship Awards Each year, the Troy Women’s Association awards several college scholarships to females graduating from high school, returning to school, or continuing their college education.  Scholarships are awarded to local women who demonstrate a commitment to serving their community and/or demonstrate financial need.  TWA takes great pride in supporting women in their educational goals.

There are separate applications for graduating high school seniors and for adults continuing their college education.  The number of scholarships awarded is dependent on the applications received.

2018 Scholarship Recipients

Thursday, April 26, 2018

TWA - Feeling social

Our Social Committee is responsible for planning all sorts of extra activities for our members to enjoy outside of the projects we support. There is something for everyone and the committee aims to plan outings that all of our members can enjoy.  This year the number and variety of opportunities to connect and be social has been awesome! 

Do we love serving our community, of course. 
But do we also love getting together just to have fun, YES! 
Check out the impressive list of social activities that have been planned recently:

  • Monthly pre-meeting dinners at various local restaurants
  • Fall Euchre Tournament
  • Oktoberfest @ The Dakota Inn
  • Kris Kringle Market in downtown Rochester
  • High Tea @ The Townsend in Birmingham
  • Bunco at a member's home

These outings are planned and open to any members who would like to attend.  The number of members varies by activity and the goal is always to provide opportunities to connect with each other, try something new and have fun doing it.  Some future social activities may include: local bike trips, museum visits, and various public tours.  

Thursday, April 12, 2018


A number of women in the Troy Women’s Association have enjoyed gathering every other month to discuss a particular book.  Our members take turns hosting in their homes and providing the book selection.

We are not literary specialists.  Rather we are ladies who enjoy conversation and laughter.  Our personal book ratings and reviews often lead to discussions all over the map.  It’s fun!

Picking a book is not easy as each of us enjoys specific genres and many of our members are avid readers.  Reading is an adventure.  The unifying comment from the group is “I’m glad I read this book.  It’s one that I wouldn’t have otherwise selected.”

From historical fiction, classics, mysteries and true stories, 56 books have been read and discussed providing many hours of joy and friendship.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Project Linus

Project Linus is a national volunteer organization that gives new, washable, handmade blankets to children in need of comfort. The local chapter we support has donated over 25,000 blankets.
Our members volunteer their time and energy to this project by sewing, ironing, binding and tagging blankets for donation. Many other TWA members helped by washing and drying the materials prior to the blanket making. Monetary funds are used to purchase materials and support the “Blanket Party” and the project in general. This year 9 members plus two family members participated in the event. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring is the season of new growth, and the signs of change are all around us. Flowers outline parks and lawns, the days are longer, brighter and warmer, and our emotions are lifted by the extra light and raised temperature. Springtime is seen as a time of growth, renewal, of new life being born, and of the cycle of life once again starting. It is also seen more generally as the start of better times. The symbolism of spring is one most people can appreciate. In all cultural traditions, the world over, it is a time of re-birth and new beginnings. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

If you missed our March General Membership Meeting, you missed a good one! We had great guest speakers from the Troy Police Department. They spoke to us about common scams that criminals carry out online, by phone and in person. These were all actual scams committed in our local community. There were lots of helpful tips given to avoid a scam and members were able to get their scam related questions answered. They left us with some helpful contacts both locally and nationally. 
See below and share with anyone you know who may be in need.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Blessing in a Backpack is an ongoing project for TWA. Committee members have been meeting weekly at a local school to pack approximately 80 bags with food for kids in need to take home over the weekend. Each week the group spends about an hour and a half getting the bags ready to go home with students on Fridays. The committee also provided reusable bags for the food to be transported in and supports food purchases with monetary donations as well. 

While in the building the committee also helps with the Box Tops program. Box Tops can be clipped from participating items and redeemed by the school for educational materials. 

Read more about this program on their website:

Monday, February 19, 2018

Support The Troops Project
This year the committee split their budget into 2 smaller projects supporting the military in different ways.  The first part of the project was in conjunction with White Chapel Cemetery for a food drive in the fall of 2017. Our group shopped for food items and delivered them to White Chapel.
We also teamed up with Michigan Military Moms later in the year.  These moms ship care packages overseas and we supported their effort by covering the cost of postage for several boxes to be sent to the troops abroad.  Thanks to the committee for shopping and delivering items in need! This is one of our favorite hands on projects every year.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hug O' War

By Shel Silverstein

I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins

Monday, February 12, 2018

Shared at our February General Meeting 2/6/18

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Many Components
Love has many components and every component contributes to the whole.  Love should not be subdivided into tiny morsels, for it involves respect, consideration, going out of your way to do something that is not normally called for or expected.  It is those times when you take a friend’s hand as you support her on a slippery street or navigating a stairway or that little hug as you greet your friends.

It also involves the willingness to compromise, to give in when you know that it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Each day we all can demonstrate the true meaning of love.  It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, educated or not, or where you live.  The capacity to show love sees no bounds; sees no obstacles; and sees no selfishness. It is a love that is expressed even when you don't feel you are capable.
So, it is with love and its many components that the special ladies of TWA offer their friendship and support throughout our community.
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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Judson Berry Home - Troy, MI

TWA supports a variety of projects that impact various subsets of the community in which we live. We have projects that are aimed at helping babies, school age children, seniors, those with cancer, women continuing their education, the homeless and more. We also realize there are some members of our community who have the most special needs and are so desperately undeserved that it is almost hard to imagine. Those with developmental disabilities need our help and we seek to serve their needs by supplementing what is provided for them. Something as simple as new sheets or towels can be a blessing to those with limited resources. TWA supported the local home for developmentally disabled women recently by purchasing holiday gifts for the residents and also a rug for their household. As we kick off 2018 the spirit of giving is strong! Thanks to those who shopped and delivered the goods to these deserving ladies.