Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

From Camp Casey Wranglers

This email comes from the Camp Casey crew.

Hi Edith and Nancie,

I am just overwhelmed with gratitude to you and the entire TWA group.  What you continue to do for us is just beautiful and I want you to know just how much it means to us.  To think that a presentation to your group years ago would lead to a lasting friendship is such a wonderful thing.  

The event was a true testament to the terrific people that surround Camp Casey and believe in what we do.  I'm happy to report that, while we did not profit from the event, we didn't lose money either.  It was officially the first "flop" fund raiser we've ever had and I'd say that's pretty good considering that we've been around for almost eight years.  Plus, as a riding program, it's about time we're able to use the phrase "get back on the horse."

The day was a true display of how many people love and believe in us.  The people, like you, who were there-- volunteering, vending and just supporting us couldn't have been more wonderful.  We have the most dedicated volunteers, families and supporters and I'd say that means we're doing something right.  It was a true learning experience and I firmly believe that it can only be considered a failure if we don't learn from it.

We are getting busy writing our notes of thanks to everyone, but I wanted to take a second to send out an instant note of gratitude to you and the women of TWA-- who have rallied behind us for years and have been true friends to us.  If you don't mind, please forward this along to the women of the group so they know just how much we love TWA.

I am beyond touched by your continued encouragement and support.  Thank you so much.

In health and horses,

Molly, Lauren, Danielle and all the wranglers of Camp Casey

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