Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Support the Troops - You can help too!

The Support the Troops committee has decided to give part of their budget to the Moms of Michigan Military and Supporters group for their upcoming Care Packaging event to take place on Sunday, May 6th at 1pm at the Lenox Fire Department in New Haven, all are welcome to attend the “Packing Party”

Our monetary donation will help defray the cost of postage.

Also, if you would like to donate items for overseas troops, their wish list is below. Please bring items to the TWA May 1st meeting or contact a TWA member.

Ready To Eat Tuna, Chicken packets and Salad kits.
Non-Perishable breakfast-type foods and drinks.
Canned ready to open soups, chicken, beef, etc. (NO PORK PRODUCTS!)
Fast Food Hot Sauce Packets
Individual packets of Trail Mix, Beef Jerky, Slim Jims, peanuts, pretzels, cookies, sunflower seeds, canned nuts, canned chips or potato sticks, cereal bars, granola bars, energy bars
Pre-sweetened powdered drinks, Kool-Aid, Gatorade, etc..
Single wrapped snacks, brownies, cakes - no icing.
Packs of candy, gum, etc.. things that do not melt.

(Non-Scented Items are Best!)
Antibacterial wipes
Toothpaste, toothbrushes & dental floss
Soap – bar & liquid
Shampoo & Conditioner
Gold Bond powder
Eye drops (cleaning kind-in plastic bag)
Chapstick / Lip Balm
Nail Clippers
Disposable Shaving Razors, shaving crème (non-aerosol)
Toilet Paper
Flip Flops/Shower Shoes
Athlete’s Foot Crème
Feminine Products (there are women serving)


Handheld electronic games
Puzzle, Word Game & Crossword books
Beanie Babies for the soldiers to give to kids
Magazines, local papers, comics, paperbacks - mystery, action, drama, science fiction
Games: Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, Parcheesi, Yahtzee, Uno, Cribbage, Puzzles, Playing Cards
Baseballs, footballs, Frisbees, Nerf type toys
Disposable Cameras

Holiday decorations
Paper, envelopes, pens, greeting cards.. birthday & holidays for wives, husbands, moms, dads, blank generic cards too!!
Film (35 mm)
Paper Towels, Windex Pre-Moistened Packs, Laundry Detergent (travel size-powder or cubes (no liquid)
Duct tape, Ziploc bags
Clothespins & Clothesline
Battery Operated Fans, Misty Mates
AT&T International Pre-Paid Phone Card

Illegal substances, Alcoholic beverages, Explosives, including fireworks. Offensive or obscene materials, including photos, drawings or any other material which may offend members of the opposite sex, members of another race, background, nationality or ethnicity, religion, or who are conservative or modest. Any food items containing pork.