Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Boys and Girls Club of Troy

Troy Women’s Association provided $1,250 in financial assistance for two special programs offered to the young people attending the Boys & Girls Club of Troy.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).  $450 was earmarked for STEM which teaches students problem solving, teamwork and critical thinking skills.  The funding will be used to purchase necessary supplies.

RAD (Rape Aggression Defense).  $800 was allocated to allow twenty girls and twenty boys to attend these classes at no cost.  This is the first year boys have been offered the opportunity to participate in the gender-specific program.  The RAD system begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance while progressing to the basics of hands-on self-defense.