Grant Committee Meeting

Realize and understand the needs of our community and to serve its people to the best of our ability.
Promote friendship, respect, and tolerance within our organization and support our fellow members throughout good times and bad.
Develop as individuals through the determination to strengthen our educational, social and creative skills.
By striving to attain these goals, we will grow as women and become a contributing factor in our society.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TWA partners with Common Ground - Next Steps

The Troy Women's Association supported Common Ground's Recovery Conference held in April by collecting gently worn shoes at our general meeting.  These shoes were used by Common Ground clients to create artistic expressions of their journey and 'next steps' in living with mental health disorders.   
Some of the people who designed shoes choose not to take them when they left and we took those shoes to Lansing and displayed them in a day at the state capitol to help eliminate stigma among mental health clients. It has been a powerful experience.
Common Ground will be using a similar therapy at their November 17, 2012 conference and TWA will be collecting more shoes ~ if you have some you'd like to donate as well, let us know.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful project. There still is a lot of stigma towards those who suffer mental illness. Positive exposure can only help. Nice post.
